Pre-Forum discussions
On 23 May, the Forum met with Ara Institute’s Council Chair Thérèse Arseneau and Chief Executive Tony Gray. There was a strong affirmation of the value of the CREDS Education and Training Governance Group convened by Mayor David Ayers with CE Jim Palmer since 2015.
The discussion also included the regional submission (PDF file, 217KB) in April 2019 on the proposed reform of vocational education (RoVE) and challenges and opportunities for the tertiary education and training sector in Canterbury.
Mayoral Forum highlights
- The Mayoral Forum signed off on the final report on the CWMS Fit for the Future project, with goals for 2025 and 2030 and an indicative work programme to support the implementation of the goals. Mayors Damon Odey, Sam Broughton and Winton Dalley will lead public communications about Mayoral Forum decisions on the review and the new goals.
- Mayor Craig Rowley updated the Forum on the CREDS value-added production workstream. This included recent workshops on food, fibre and agritech across the region, with support from industry.
- ChristchurchNZ presented on the Canterbury Story, a project for the Mayoral Forum funded by the Regional Growth Programme.
- The Forum considered an initial draft of the Canterbury Local Authorities’ Triennial Agreement for 2020–2022. The outgoing Mayoral Forum provides a draft agreement for the incoming Mayoral Forum to endorse and take back to member councils for agreement.
- Mayor Sam Broughton gave an update on the South Island Destination Management Plan, a project initiated by the Mayoral Forum with funding from the Provincial Growth Fund.
- Delivery of the Forum’s 3-year work programme and CREDS projects are on track for completion by the end of the year.