The Canterbury Mayoral Forum’s Plan for Canterbury has had a refresh.
This pivotal document continues to highlight the Forum’s five priority issues, but the refresh details updates to the priority actions. This will ensure that we are focused on priorities and actions that continue to support our communities now and into the future, Canterbury Mayoral Forum Chair Nigel Bowen says.
“The Plan for Canterbury provides direction and sets the tone for what the region’s leaders want for Waitaha/Canterbury. We can lead discussions on the drivers for change in Waitaha. These include our changing climate; regulation impacting on the future of land use, including greenhouse gas emissions and water quality, the need to capture more of the value from the diverse agricultural food and fibre production in Canterbury and retain that value in the region to create more prosperity for our communities and businesses,” Mayor Bowen says.
“We also want to be at the forefront of discussions with Central Government on opportunities for regional and city deals that will benefit both Canterbury and New Zealand. While we have refreshed parts of this Plan, the Mayoral Forum will continue its central focus on advocating for governance and decision-making to be devolved to the level of government closest to affected communities.”