The Mayoral Forum met on August 20. Significant agenda items are summarised on this page.
View the full agenda (PDF file, 6.95MB)
Three waters reforms
Members discussed the status of the three waters reforms and related issues and how to ensure the best outcome for Canterbury, including co-governance with Ngāi Tahu and the ability to provide for the needs of different communities. The Forum agreed to send a letter to Minister Mahuta requesting a pause to the three waters reform process
Climate Change Risk Assessment update
An update on the Climate Change Risk Assessment was provided and members endorsed the process for this and agreed on an approach for the release and engagement on this once it is complete.
Regional Strategic Partnership Fund
Members discussed the creation of a regional priority list, which could then be used to inform submissions to the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund and other regional initiatives. Some members volunteered to establish a smaller group to work on this with Ngāi Tahu, ChristchurchNZ and Venture Timaru.
Resource Management reform update
An update on the reforms was provided and members agreed to send letters to Local Government New Zealand, Ministry for the Environment, Department of Internal Affairs and Taituarā requesting inclusion of at least one representative from Canterbury on national working groups.
South Island Destination Management Plan update
The Forum endorsed the strategic aims of the South Island Destination Management Plan, and agreed to take these to the LGNZ Zone 5 and 6 meeting in October to seek endorsement of the aims by all South Island territorial authorities.
Flooding update and funding of rating districts
Basil Chamberlain joined the meeting to speak about the work that he is doing, on behalf of Environment Canterbury, to make the case for central government co-investment in flood protection works.
Other agenda items included
- Canterbury Mayoral Forum mid-term updates
- Canterbury Water Management Strategy update
- Essential Freshwater Steering Group update
- CREDS update
- Future for Local Government
- Climate Change Steering Group update
- Chief Executives Forum report.