
Submission on Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill (372KB PDF)

Submission on Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill (372KB PDF)

Submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s exposure draft of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (184KB PDF)

Submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s exposure draft of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (184KB PDF)

Submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s Draft National Adaptation Plan (398KB PDF)

Submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s Draft National Adaptation Plan (398KB PDF)

Submission on Te panoni I te hangarua – Transforming Recycling (381KB PDF)

Submission on Te panoni I te hangarua – Transforming Recycling (381KB PDF)

Submission on Our Future Resource Management System – materials for discussion (328KB PDF)

Submission on Our Future Resource Management System – materials for discussion (328KB PDF)

Submission on Enabling local voice and accountability in the future resource management system – proposal for consideration (245KB PDF)

Submission on Enabling local voice and accountability in the future resource management system – proposal for consideration (245KB PDF)

Submission on Taumata Arowai proposed drinking water regulations (200KB PDF)

Submission on Taumata Arowai proposed drinking water regulations (200KB PDF)

Submission on MBIE paper on Economic regulation and consumer protection for three waters services in New Zealand (517KB PDF)

Submission on MBIE paper on Economic regulation and consumer protection for three waters services in New Zealand (517KB PDF)

Submission on Productivity Commission Immigration, productivity and wellbeing issues paper and draft report (369KB PDF)

Submission on Productivity Commission Immigration, productivity and wellbeing issues paper and draft report (369KB PDF)

Submission on Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill (279KB PDF)

Submission on Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill (279KB PDF)

Submission on Te kawe i te haepapa para: Taking responsibility for our waste (300KB PDF)

Submission on Te kawe i te haepapa para: Taking responsibility for our waste (300KB PDF)

Joint submission on Te hau mārohi ki anamata: Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future (372KB PDF)

Joint submission on Te hau mārohi ki anamata: Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future (372KB PDF)

Submission to the Resource Management Review Panel (246KB PDF)

Submission to the Resource Management Review Panel (246KB PDF)

Submission on the Inquiry into the Natural and Built Environments Bill: Parliamentary Paper (200KB PDF)

Submission on the Inquiry into the Natural and Built Environments Bill: Parliamentary Paper (200KB PDF)

Submission on He Tūāpapa ki te Ora: Infrastructure for a Better Future (Infrastructure Strategy Consultation Document) (361KB PDF)

Submission on He Tūāpapa ki te Ora: Infrastructure for a Better Future (Infrastructure Strategy Consultation Document) (361KB PDF)

Joint submission on Hīkina te Kohupara – Kia mauri ora ai te iwi – Transport Emissions: Pathways to Net Zero by 2050 (347KB PDF)

Joint submission on Hīkina te Kohupara – Kia mauri ora ai te iwi – Transport Emissions: Pathways to Net Zero by 2050 (347KB PDF)